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Showing posts from 2017

shell collection (40 years in the making)

I realize now that this kind of shell collecting is destructive. Local divers come across a rare shell which they can make money and systematically search and collect (kill) them for sale. Eventually all are gone. I personally regret collecting. these of course are spondylus. I can take more detailed image if need be. basically what you see here is the entire collection except fossils. Pinnidae Xenophora Each box below contains unique species, all identified, Some duplicates I donated to the Smithsonian (they did not have examples) I have the letters to prove this. The collection started in the early 60s. . Name your price. This Tridacna gigas is 33 inches. there's also a separate pair (see below). What you see here is just the general stuff not my specialty collection . the three images above show Xenophora which was my speciality. In particular corrugata.  The one Macromphalus is damaged but there's another that's fine. Th...
The above describes what was happening in Syria and Iraq. Below are numbers relating to World War II.  The greatest injustice of the 20th century. Amazing that these numbers have not been written about more. When you think that the Nazi death squads alone  Einsatzgruppen  and related auxiliary troops killed more than two million people.  To get original military primary source you have to go to government repositories. easier than you think.  Little squares gives me a better sense of the numbers than just bars. not great info but part of the deadline coverage. and wanted to add vector art. Train enthusiasts are a reliable source of details.  This was built by Youyou Zhou from info i gave her all built from scratch wrapping nasa maps around globes. I wrapped NASA images around a globe in a 3D program. I created the above charts and maps using data that is freely and easily available on the CDC site. The above ...